Track and optimize your horse's training in real-time! After sessions check performance and progress analysis with beat monitor.
Fully automatized process saves your valuable time. Streamline your data-collection needs with one tool.
Start usage out-of-the-box, use offline-mode, permanent internet connection is not mandatory!
Coach, vet or sports scientist presence isn’t required. Easily share insights with your team.
bluerave beat watch shows your horse's heartrate as well as GPS speed data during training and live-uploads them into bluerave cloud. No additional device or smartphone needed!
Track relevant data in real-time and post-analysis without any additional effort.
Collect & access everywhere: Be part of your horse's exercise from anywhere in the world.
Individualize training based on what works best for each horse. Help to reach your horse's potential by listening to its body.
Set individual alarm levels: Manage load and recovery with accurate and instant data.
Support training decisions of athletes and trainees with easy-to-share insights.
Focus on the session, not the technology: Usage of beat is easy – simply put on the sensor-belt, start smart riding app and go! Interpret the results immediately in real-time while the platform handles all data-collection in the cloud for you.
Fasten beat sensor-belt on your horse
Start your smart riding session using beat smart riding app on your phone or beat watch
Check your session results in real-time, after training or just relay on having all your data stored and prepared for anytime later to review
By observing and examining your horse’s health- and fitness level over time, you will understand how to keep it vital and how get the most out of your training. This makes it easy for you to achieve your long-term-goals and to perform better.
Due to understanding current fitness- and wellbeing level of your horse you will be able to prepare smarter training sessions and to set up reasonable goals. Your horse will develop easily and have fun when exercising. No more frustration!
By observing and examining your horse's fitness level, particularly its development and progression over time, you will understand how to get the most out of your training. This makes it easy for you to achieve your long-term-goals and to perform better.
If a horse is not willing to cooperate or even refuses cooperation at all, there are often physical reasons, usually undetected: Infectious diseases, stress, unrecognised heart diseases, pain and many other things can cause horses to cooperate unwillingly or not at all. With beat you make sure that your horse is in physical and mental constitution for training.
Don’t take our word, see what pros says about bluerave beat system.
Thanks to beat, I am finally able to bring even horses that are not given much blood through breeding to their optimal competition level. Optimizing performance has never been that easy.
Using beat smart riding system, I always ensure whether my horse is fit and sound and I can challenge him in training, or whether he is having a bad day and needs some rest.
smart riding app continuously collects data of your horse. smart riding enables you to check real-time vitality parameters of your horse and trainings data such as speed or altitude. You will be able to set trainings alerts to improve your current session and to avoid overloads.
beat monitor app allows you to check and compare training- and health parameters from the past that have been automatically stored and analyzed within bluerave cloud.
Im klinischen Umfeld ist die engmaschige Überwachung der Vitaldaten der Patienten essentiell. Gerade die Herzfrequenz spielt hierbei eine zentrale Rolle. beat smart health ist das zuverlässigste und stabilste Langzeit-Herzfrequenz-Messsystem auf dem Markt. Unzählige Teststunden im Realbetrieb im Klinikumfeld hat das System bereits erfolgreich absolviert.
Häufig zeigt sich eine Verschlechterung des Patienten zuerst an der Herzfrequenz. Die dauerhafte Überwachung der HR-Daten bei Intensivpatienten und die damit verbundene Früherkennung von Veränderungen kann über Leben und Tod entscheiden.
beat smart health wurde zur Langzeitüberwachung von Pferden entwickelt. Die Handhabung ist ebenso einfach wie effizient: Die HR-Daten des Pferdes werden EKG-genau von einem Sensor am Pferd an das Endgerät an der Patientenbox übermittelt und von dort auf direktem Weg in die bluerave Cloud übertragen. Die Vitaldaten sind unmittelbar in Echtzeit (ISO/IEC 2382) von überall auf der Welt und mit jedem beliebigen Endgerät ohne zusätzliche Softwareinstallation im Webbrowser abrufbar. Überwachung und Benachrichtigungen (im Falle von Alarmen) sind also nicht an den Aufzeichnungsort gebunden.
Durch die Verwendung eines speziellen Elektrodengels am Patienten werden lange durchgehende Übertragungszeiten gewährleistet.
Zusätzlich bieten wir die Überwachung des Patienten mittels Kamera über einen Livestream an. Das sich aus Daten und Klinik des Patienten ergebende Gesamtbild bietet eine optimale Grundlage für die Beurteilung durch das Fachpersonal.